Our supervisors
Dr. Rita Younan
Rita is a Clinical Psychologist, advanced ST supervisor-trainer, EMDR accredited practitioner and board approved supervisor. Rita offers supervision for certification purposes in both individual and group Schema Therapy. Rita draws from a number of therapeutic approaches in her work including mindfulness, interpersonal neurobiology, somatic interventions, DBT, CBT, EMDR in addition to Schema Therapy. Rita has an interest in personality pathology, developmental trauma and chronic psychopathology.
Supervision fee: $280
Dr. Tracy Garvin
Tracy is a clinical psychologist with experience in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Adult Mental Health; her areas of interest include Trauma, Gender Dysphoria, Couples Counselling, and Personality Pathology. Tracy has provided supervision in both clinical and academic settings. Tracy is an AHPRA-approved supervisor and provides general psychology supervision and also for clinical endorsement. Tracy draws from a wide variety of techniques in her clinical practice including Schema Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, EMDR, CBT, and other Mindfulness-based interventions.
Supervision fee: $250
Dr. Bonnie Albrecht
Bonnie is a forensic psychologist, Advanced Schema Therapist and a board approved supervisor. Bonnie has an interest in drug and alcohol use/dependence, personality pathology, and trauma. Bonnie draws from a number of therapeutic approaches including DBT, CBT, Mindfulness-based interventions, and Schema Therapy. Bonnie is available to offer general psychology supervision and for Forensic endorsement.
Supervision Fee: $250
Dr Kim Murray
Kim is a registered clinical psychologist and board approved supervisor. He offers general supervision, clinical endorsement and for those wanting a trauma-informed approach. Kim draws primarily on ‘third-wave’ CBT approaches when working with clients. He is also a registered mindfulness meditation teacher and integrates this practice into his clinical work. Kim has extensive experience working in post-traumatic mental health and has conducted international research in this field.
Supervision fee: $250
Dr Sarah Wilson
Sarah is a Forensic Psychologist, accredited schema therapist and board approved supervisor. She has experience working with a range of concerns including substance use, anxiety, mood, personality, interpersonal difficulties, eating disorders, trauma-related issues and antisocial behaviours. Sarah has worked in forensic and community settings and utilises Schema Therapy as well as ACT, CBT and Mindfulness.
Supervision Fee: $250
STIA offers professional supervision including certification in schema therapy, for an area of endorsement, and supervision for registration purposes. Supervision is not exclusively schema therapy but may be schema therapy informed. Supervision ranges from $250 to $280 for 50 minutes and is GST-inclusive.
All potential supervisees are required to supply a copy of their CV and apply for supervision in order to ensure a good fit.