Schema Therapy Institute Australia
Australia’s leading provider for schema therapy treatment, training, and research.
Our Services
The human approach behind schema therapy appeals to both patients and clinicians alike as we all have schemas and modes that have come out of our own early experiences. This builds an understanding of how these difficulties can come about and appreciation for the effort involved in creating change in one’s life.
What is schema therapy?
Schema therapy is a way of working that allows both client and practitioner to understand the developmental origins of a patient’s difficulties. Beyond treating symptoms, schema therapy creates an opportunity to heal early adverse experiences that relate to the problems being experienced in the individual today.
The theory and approach itself also resonates for clinicians, as we too have schemas and modes that have come out of our own early experiences and thus have an appreciation for how these difficulties can come about and the enormous effort involved in creating change in one’s life.
Evidence-based and highly effective, schema therapy has helped thousands of people by treating beyond symptoms and creating opportunities to heal.